Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9
Have you ever been discouraged? Have you ever felt abandoned? Have you ever felt like you are all alone? Have you ever been so afraid that it freezes you?
In this journey we call life, we often times find ourselves so afraid that we freeze in out tracks. This life can be challenging filled with uncertainties that make us feel week. However if you are walking God's trail, He will speak to you through His word, one such instance is Joshua 1:9.
At this time in Joshua's life Moses has reached the end if his trail and now Joshua must lead the people into the Promise Land. Joshua is strong and courageous and God has appointed him to lead the people into a land full of giants, fortified cities, and people who want to destroy Israel. Do you think Joshua is a little afraid? However, Joshua tells the people to remember what Moses and the Lord promised them.
God's command to Joshua is twofold: to be strong and courageous. Strength and courage are not qualities we muster up on our own; rather, they are gifts from God Himself. As we abide in Him, He infuses us with His strength and courage to face whatever challenges lie ahead.
The reason for our strength and courage is grounded in the promise of God's presence. He assures Joshua, "for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Similarly, God promises to be with us in every circumstance, never leaving nor forsaking us.
When fear and discouragement threaten to overwhelm us, let us cling to the truth of Joshua 1:9. Let us meditate on the assurance that God goes before us, walks beside us, and upholds us with His righteous hand. With God as our constant companion, we need not fear the unknown or shrink back from the challenges that come our way.
As we walk His trail, may we embrace the call to be strong and courageous, trusting in the faithfulness of our God who leads us, protects us, and empowers us to overcome every obstacle. Let us step out in faith, knowing that with God, all things are possible.
We come before You and ask that You would give strength and courage as we walk Your trail. Guide us, let us trust Your word. Abba take away all of my fear and discouragement, teach me to trust You and You alone.